Kamala Seeks Trump’s Disqualification After Conviction Doesn’t Save Biden’s Campaign

(LibertySons.org) – Political campaigns are not for the faint of heart. They are often bitterly contested with less than complimentary words proclaimed by the other side. Let’s face it: they are often downright insulting. At a Democratic dinner in Michigan recently, Vice President Kamala Harris had some pretty unkind words for former President Donald Trump relating to his felony convictions in New York in May.

On May 30, Donald Trump was convicted on 34 felony charges in a Manhattan courtroom. After the announcement, many believed it would spell the death of his campaign to reclaim the White House in November and that his supporters would desert him in droves. That hasn’t turned out to be the case. In fact, since the verdict came down, he’s raked in record donations for his war chest and even converted some Independent voters to his side.

This was probably not what the Democrats were expecting, and Harris used a campaign stop in Detroit to claim that Trump’s convictions should be “disqualifying.” She also said that he feels he’s “above the law.”

The VP also sounded the alarm about Trump’s statement that his case could be a “breaking point” for his supporters. She claimed that was “hinting at violence.” Much of her speech was dedicated to bashing Trump.

Democrats have plenty to be concerned about regarding the November election. New polling from 538/ABC News shows Biden’s approval rating at an all-time low of 37.6% as of Monday, June 10, while Trump’s approval remains steady or has even increased since the conviction. The president has made increasingly frequent gaffs on the world stage, and the former POTUS’s campaign is firing up the rally circuit.

The only way to make your voice heard above the political posturing and rhetoric is to vote come November 5.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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