(LibertySons.org) – Looking at Virginia’s history, the state consists of a fairly even blend of Democrat and Republican politicians who have been voted into office from the governorship to the House to the Senate. And while voters opted for GOP presidential candidates in the past, they have chosen Democratic candidates for the last four cycles. That might change in 2024.
A poll conducted by the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs from June 24 to July 3 showed former President Donald Trump up three points in VA. Polls reported by FiveThirtyEight taken in May and June showed President Joe Biden either even with Trump or ahead by one or two points. The shift could indicate the political climate this cycle could be shifting toward the GOP presidential nominee.
The change is notable, considering the margin over which Biden won the state in 2020 — over 10%. The poll seemed to indicate that the president is losing support among Black voters in Virginia. According to the survey, only 46% said they planned to vote for Biden, down 21% from the university’s previous poll. It also showed that only 36% of those surveyed approved of the president’s performance, and 58% disapproved.
Former Governor L. Douglas Wilder (D) said, “Virginia is in play” for Trump, calling it a “close race.” He said it indicates that Biden needs to spend more time in the Old Dominion state if he plans to stay in the race and pull out a win in the state this fall. Wilder said the calls for the president to step out of the running is “very concerning for Democrats.” The poll indicated that the “rising cost of living” was a top issue for them going into November, besting women’s reproductive rights and immigration.
The VCU-Wilder poll was conducted by telephone, contacting 809 Virginia residents over 18. The margin of error was listed as 4.8 points.
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