David DePape Confesses to Attacking Paul Pelosi with Hammer in Court Breakdown

(LibertySons.org) – David DePape took the stand on Tuesday, November 14. He stood trial in federal court in San Francisco on charges that he attempted to kidnap a federal official and assaulted a federal official’s immediate family member in retaliation against the official’s performance of her duties. Breaking down in tears, DePape admitted to attacking Paul Pelosi, husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), after Pelosi ruined the attacker’s plan to end “government corruption” and stop the abuse of children.

DePape told the jury he had a “good rapport” with Paul Pelosi, per CBS News. Yet, when police arrived at the Pelosi home, DePape realized his plan had failed and said “he reacted.” He admitted to swinging the hammer and hitting Pelosi with “full force” at least three times as the speaker’s husband opened the door for officers, according to The Washington Post.

With tears streaming down his face, DePape told the jury he believed Pelosi had died until he heard the state of California’s indictment against him for attempted murder. He testified that he never intended to hurt Paul Pelosi. “He was never my target, and I am sorry he got hurt.”

During opening arguments, Jodi Linker, DePape’s defense attorney, told the jury that her client believed he was acting to stop government corruption and end systemic abuse of children perpetrated by politicians, Hollywood actors, and academics. She claimed he consistently listened to far-rightwing and QAnon conspiracy theories.

Linker claimed his reasons for targeting Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with her position as House Speaker. Instead, he targeted Nancy Pelosi as one of the leaders of a shadow cabal eroding freedoms, hurting children, and lying to the public. While the lawyer admitted her client committed a terrible crime, she argued he didn’t commit the crimes charged by the federal government.

The jury began deliberations on Wednesday, November 15, but hadn’t reached a verdict by the time of publication.

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