Comer Alleges Democrats of Using Intimidation

( – Although Republicans in the House of Representatives have been working on impeachment against President Joe Biden (D) for some time, the Lower Chamber officially took a vote about whether to move forward with the process in December 2023. To support the effort, Congress has been hearing testimony from various people regarding whether or not the president was involved in his son’s, Hunter Biden, foreign business affairs.

On February 13, Representative James Comer (R-KY) talked to Newsmax about one particular deposition that happened behind closed doors with Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Tony Bobulinski. He said House Democrats went after the witness during his testimony to try and intimidate him in a way Comer said he’s “never seen” before.

On “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” the Kentucky legislator pointed to Representatives Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Dan Goldman (D-NY), Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), and Robert Garcia (D-CA) as especially intimidating.

Comer said they were calling Bobulinski a “liar,” “wagg[ed] their fingers,” yelled, and told him to “shut up.” The KY lawmaker called the witness an “American hero” who told the truth, stating, “Democrats can’t handle the truth.” He said it was a “shameful display.”

Bobulinski reportedly worked with Hunter Biden in 2017. He claimed that President Biden was involved in his son’s business dealings. During a 2020 press conference, he said he had evidence that supported his claims, and the president “profited off his son’s business ventures in China.” According to Forbes, his assertions were never corroborated. In fact, at least eight other witnesses dispute the claims, stating President Biden had no involvement at all.

Garcia posted about Bobulinski’s testimony on social media, describing it as “unhinged and uncredible.” He said the witness didn’t give them any evidence to support his claims while referring to the impeachment inquiry as a “scam.” Raskin also released a statement after the testimony, calling Bobulinski a “political pawn” who didn’t “provide any evidence” to support his claims against the president.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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