Biden Blames Congress for Catastrophic Mistake in Ukrainian City’s Downfall

( – President Joe Biden and Congress have been battling for months over funding for Ukraine. The Senate has passed a bipartisan aid package, but the House has refused. The POTUS is now placing the blame for a big loss in Ukraine on the shoulders of lawmakers.

On Saturday, February 17, Ukraine ordered its troops to withdraw from Avdiivka, a city in the eastern part of the country. It was the first major loss the nation has suffered since last fall when Bakhmut fell.

Biden responded to the loss later that day, telling reporters it was the result of lawmakers’ failures. He said the idea that the US would “walk away” is “absurd” and “unethical.” The president said the Ukrainian military is running out of ammunition, and he said he would “fight to get them the ammunition they need.”

The president also said that he was not confident Ukraine could hold on to the territory they have before Congress approves aid. He revealed that he’d spoken to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and told him that he’s “confident [they’re] going to get [the] money” they need to keep defending themselves against Russia’s aggression.

National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said Ukraine’s loss “is the cost of congressional inaction.”

Zelenskyy traveled to the Munich Security Conference in Germany. Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, attended the conference and spoke to NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. He said the Ukrainian president didn’t blame the fall of Avdiivka on Congress, but said he was “certainly worried that the delay could cause a gap in weapons getting to the [sic] Ukraine.”

Biden requested more Ukraine aid in August 2023. The House demanded the administration and Democrats agree to policy changes on the border before they would approve more money for Ukraine. A bipartisan group of senators crafted a bill that included major concessions from the Biden administration on the border, but Senate Republicans blocked it.

Lawmakers then stripped the border policies from the bill, and the Senate passed that legislation, which allocates about $60 billion for Ukraine funding. However, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said the lower chamber will not vote on it.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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