Biden Administration Under Fire for Scrapping Union Accountability Tool

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The Biden administration has dismantled a crucial online database designed to hold federal employee unions accountable, raising alarms among government watchdogs and fiscal conservatives.

At a Glance

  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) removed a website tracking “official time” spent on union activities
  • The last available report on official time use is from fiscal year 2019
  • OPM has stonewalled requests for comment and updated information
  • Critics argue this lack of transparency could mask increased taxpayer-funded union activities
  • Lawmakers have demanded answers, but OPM claims it’s not legally required to publish these reports

Dismantling of Accountability Tool

The Biden administration has come under fire for removing an online database that was intended to hold federal public employee unions accountable. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) previously maintained a website to track “official time,” where federal workers perform union duties on government time. This accountability tool vanished in 2023 and remains offline, despite initial claims it was being “reorganized.”

The practice of “official time” involves taxpayer-funded union activity, which has long prompted calls for accountability and transparency. With the removal of this crucial oversight tool, it has become nearly impossible to track how much taxpayer money is being spent on union activities instead of government work.

Lack of Transparency and Stonewalling

OPM’s website, which tracked and published information on official time usage, disappeared in 2023 and remains unavailable. The agency initially claimed the website was being reorganized for better navigation and customer experience. However, OPM has not responded to multiple requests for comment or provided updated reports on official time use.

“OPM has not only gone out of its way to obscure official government reports documenting how much federal employees’ union work costs taxpayers, but has stonewalled attempts to understand why OPM’s webpage on official time was removed and has neglected to publish any updated estimates of official time use during this administration, probably because any such report would almost certainly show the cost of taxpayer-funded union work skyrocketing as fast as Americans’ grocery bills,” Nelsen told The Center Square. “OPM’s conduct demonstrates its contempt for American taxpayers and its disregard of even the most minimal obligations of transparent government,” he added.

Critics argue that this lack of transparency could be masking a significant increase in taxpayer-funded union activities. The last official time report available is from fiscal year 2019, leaving a substantial gap in public oversight since Biden took office.

Congressional Oversight and OPM’s Response

Lawmakers have demanded answers regarding the disappearance of the accountability tool. However, OPM has defended its decision, stating it is not legally required to publish these reports. This stance has further frustrated transparency advocates and raised questions about the administration’s commitment to open government.

“Most tellingly, Director [Kiran] Ahuja offered no apology for the removal of the official time webpage, made no commitment to restoring it, and declined to commit OPM to producing any additional estimates of taxpayer-funded union time use and costs in the future…” said Maxford Nelsen

OPM claimed to have moved official time reporting to the “agency reports” section of its website, but no reports have been published there since 2019. Public information requests to OPM have gone unanswered, further exacerbating concerns about transparency and accountability.

Implications for Taxpayers and Government Accountability

The removal of this accountability tool aligns with the Biden administration’s pro-union stance, but critics argue it goes too far by reducing oversight. Without this database, it’s nearly impossible to track how much taxpayer money is being spent on union activities instead of government work. This lack of oversight could potentially embolden some to abuse the “official time” system, diverting more resources away from serving the American people.

While the Biden administration has publicly committed to strengthening American democracy and government accountability, actions like dismantling this database seem to contradict those stated goals. As citizens, it’s crucial to stay informed and demand transparency from our elected officials, regardless of party affiliation.


  1. Biden admin removed federal union accountability webpage
  2. Biden administration defends decision to nix union accountability effort
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