Federal Judge Denies Shilo Sanders’ Motion to Dismiss $11 Million Debt Complaint

Gavel on book beside justice scale.

Shilo Sanders, son of NFL legend Deion Sanders, faces an uphill legal battle as a federal judge denies his motion to dismiss an $11 million debt complaint.

At a Glance

  • Judge Michael Romero denied Sanders’ attempt to fully dismiss the $11 million debt complaint
  • Most claims, including those about Sanders’ LLCs and NIL deals, will advance to trial
  • The debt stems from a 2015 incident involving former school security guard John Darjean
  • Sanders reported a gross income of $193,713 in 2023 and owns a 2023 Mercedes GLE worth $75,900
  • The original judgment includes $3 million for Darjean’s future physical impairment and $2 million for future medical care

Legal Setback for Shilo Sanders

In a significant development, a federal judge has denied Shilo Sanders’ motion to dismiss an $11 million debt complaint filed by John Darjean, a former school security guard. This ruling marks a crucial turning point in the ongoing legal battle, keeping Sanders on the hook for the substantial debt stemming from a 2015 incident.

Judge Michael Romero’s decision allows most of Darjean’s claims to proceed, particularly those involving Sanders’ assets and name, image, and likeness (NIL) deals. This marks the second such denial since June, indicating a pattern of legal setbacks for the young athlete.

Allegations of Concealed Assets

At the heart of the case are allegations that Sanders concealed or omitted assets in his bankruptcy filing. Darjean claims that Sanders failed to disclose compensation from NIL deals and other sources of income. The judge found merit in these arguments, noting that Darjean had “sufficiently identified assets that were at one time owned by the Sanders but are no longer available to pay creditors.”

“Darjean sufficiently identified assets that were at one time owned by the Sanders but are no longer available to pay creditors because they are not listed in the schedules,” the judge wrote in the ruling Monday. “As to those specific omitted assets, the Court finds Darjean has sufficiently stated a claim under (the law).”

The court’s acknowledgment of these claims adds weight to Darjean’s case and complicates Sanders’ efforts to discharge the debt through bankruptcy.

Financial Disclosures and Corporate Veil

Sanders reported a gross income of $193,713 in 2023 and listed a 2023 Mercedes GLE worth $75,900 among his assets. However, Darjean argues that Sanders’ net worth is higher, alleging money transfers to one of Sanders’ LLCs. The judge found this argument about piercing the corporate veil of Sanders’ LLCs compelling.

“The Complaint contains sufficient allegations that Sanders’s companies function as his alter egos and that the corporate veils of the LLCs should be pierced” – Judge Michael Romero

This ruling opens the door for further scrutiny of Sanders’ financial arrangements and could potentially expose additional assets to satisfy the debt.

The Road Ahead

As the case moves forward, Sanders faces significant challenges in his quest for financial relief through bankruptcy. The court’s decision to allow most of Darjean’s claims to proceed to trial sets the stage for a protracted legal battle. With the original judgment including $3 million for Darjean’s future physical impairment and $2 million for future medical care, the stakes remain high for both parties.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential long-term consequences of legal disputes and the complexities surrounding high-profile bankruptcy cases. As Shilo Sanders, currently a graduate student at Colorado, focuses on his return to the football field, the shadow of this $11 million debt continues to loom large over his future.


  1. Bankruptcy judge issues new ruling in case of Colorado football player Shilo Sanders
  2. Judge Denies Deion Sanders’ Son Shilo’s Request to Dismiss Bankruptcy Case
  3. Shilo Sanders’ bankruptcy case: How alleged actions in youth led to $11 million debt
  4. Judge issues ruling in bankruptcy case of Deion Sanders’ son Shilo
  5. Shilo Sanders request to dismiss bankruptcy case denied
  6. Shilo Sanders bankruptcy case: Judge issues ruling before start of trial