Trump-Appointed Judges Plan To Boycott Columbia Grads Over Protests

( – Recently, there have been widespread protests across campuses in the United States, with students calling for their respective universities to divest from Israel. The movement is an attempt to show support for the Palestinians in Gaza who have been killed, injured, or are caught in the crossfire of the war between Israel and Hamas. The protests started at Columbia University, and a group of judges just gave a peek into some of the students’ futures.

On May 6, 13 conservative Trump-appointed US federal judges wrote a letter to the president of Columbia University, Minouche Shafik. They claimed that the college had become “ground zero” for “student disruptions, anti-semitism, and hatred for diverse viewpoints” throughout campuses in the US.

The judges called Columbia an “incubator of bigotry” and vowed not to “hire anyone who joins the Columbia University community” — undergraduates or law students. The hiring freeze, they said, will start with the class entering this fall.

The conservatives pointed out the fact that they hire law clerks from the university and elsewhere every year but said they’ve lost faith in Columbia. They offered suggestions to Shafik if she was interested in restoring the college’s “once-distinguished reputation.”

Those ideas included harsh consequences for all students and faculty participating in the pro-Palestinian protests, enforcing campus rules regarding conduct, and changing the “composition of [the university’s] faculty and administration.”

The three primary justices who signed the letter were Judge James Ho from the Fifth Circuit, Judge Elizabeth Branch from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, and Judge Matthew Solomson from the Court of Federal Claims. Columbia Law School Dean Gillian Lester was carbon copied on the missive.

While the university didn’t directly respond to the letter, other judges did, stating they had no interest in a boycott. It’s unclear if the 13 conservative judges have ever hired a Columbia University Law School grad.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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