New York City Restarts Bag Checks to Address Rising Subway Crime

( – Faced with a surge of illegal migrants and cuts to city budgets, New York City is also struggling with an epidemic of crime –- and the subway is suffering badly. Now, in an effort to make the system safe again, the city’s mayor is taking drastic steps. He’s bringing back bag checks – at the same time as the state governor is sending National Guard troops to back up the police.

Adams Admits Passengers Feel Unsafe

Riding the New York subway isn’t a pleasant experience right now. The system, which carries around three million passengers a day, has been plagued with rising crime levels, including a dramatic 45% spike in January. Mayor Eric Adams (D) says crime on the subway fell last month, but at a March 5 press conference, he admitted, “We know people feel unsafe.” Adams, a former NYPD officer who used to patrol the subway in uniform, insists it’s still safe for a transport system of its size, but not everyone agrees. Charlton D’Souza of advocacy group Passengers United says there’s a “crisis” on the system and pointed out that three people have been killed on the subway so far this year.

Acknowledging that passengers are worried about crime, Adams said the subway will bring back bag checks, which were first used in 2005 after Islamic terrorists set off three bombs on the London Underground and one on a bus, murdering 52 people. If passengers refuse to have their bags checked, police can refuse them access to the subway. New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) said this would create a “deterrent effect” for anyone trying to bring guns or knives on the subway. Adams also said he’s working on installing airport-style detection systems at subway stations to catch anyone carrying weapons. CCTV cameras will be installed in train cabs to protect staff after a conductor was slashed by a knife-wielding passenger last month.

Hochul Deploys Troops

As well as the steps Adams is taking, Hochul announced on March 6 that 250 New York State Police officers and 750 troops from the New York Army National Guard will be deployed on the subway to back up the NYPD. She also wants a law to ban people from the subway if they’re convicted of assaulting other passengers. The question is, will passengers feel reassured by this? More security is clearly needed to crack down on surging crime, but armed troops at stations don’t exactly suggest a system that’s safe to travel on.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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