Dems Brawl in Senate Race As Progressives Worry About Being Shut Out

( – California voters will head to the polls on March 5 to vote in the Senate primary race. This is only the second time California has had an open Senate seat in the last three decades. Progressives are worried about being shut out of the general election race, a report claims.

A survey from the Public Policy Institute of California shows Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is currently leading the primary race in the polls. The establishment Democrat is leading Progressive Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) and former Republican baseball player Steve Garvey. Schiff has 24%, Porter is at 19%, and Garvey is just behind with 18%.

In order to move on to the general election, Porter has to come in second on March 5. Although the latest poll shows the congresswoman beating Garvey, others have shown her losing to the athlete in the months leading up to the race. Even the Public Policy Institute of California poll has her within the margin of error. If the GOP candidate comes out on top in the primary, Progressives will essentially be shut out of the race in the most liberal state in the union.

During the debate, Schiff slammed Porter for her “purity tests” and accused her of not living up to her own standards. He pointed out that she has taken thousands of dollars from people in the pharmaceutical and oil industries.

Porter has repeatedly attacked her Democratic colleague in the race. When Schiff put out an ad attacking Garvey as if he were his only competition, Porter accused Schiff of elevating the Republican candidate. She claimed the congressman knew he’d lose against her in the general election.

The fact that Porter, a well-known congresswoman in a deep Blue state, is fighting so hard to hold her second-place position in the primary is surprising. Garvey has done almost no campaigning and doesn’t even have enough campaign money to run his own ads.

Still, with just a little bit of exposure, Garvey could dash Progressives’ hopes in the primary.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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