CIA Accused of Maliciously Targeting Trump Allies

( – A group of journalists claim they’ve found evidence that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) maliciously targeted 26 of Donald Trump’s allies ahead of the 2016 election. Their report hasn’t yet been confirmed, and several of their sources remain unnamed, but they say US intelligence officials convinced other countries to help them spy on the MAGA leader’s associates.

Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag alleged on Substack that the CIA and other organizations rallied foreign intelligence groups to spy on Trump advisors prior to the 2016 election. They insist the accepted narrative — that an official in Australia came to US leaders after a Trump aide bragged to them about Russia keeping information on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton — is false. Instead, according to the three journalists, US officials asked Five Eyes to set up surveillance on Trump’s associates and pass along their findings.

Five Eyes is a non-political group that reviews the interests of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Members share relevant intelligence and oversight information, cooperate over review practices and security concerns, and work to create transparency between the countries’ agencies.

Shellenberger, Taibbi, and Gutentag allege CIA Director John Brennan convinced Five Eyes to “bump” 26 Trump allies — slang for contacting or manipulating individuals — under the authority of then-President Barack Obama. The details of the investigation are reportedly in a 10-inch binder Trump had declassified at the end of his presidential term. The New York Post notes that there are currently no details about the binder’s location.

The journalists behind the claims insist that the document’s existence, if proven, could show that US officials broke spying and election interference laws by illegally targeting Trump. Surveillance without a warrant is illegal in the United States. One FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, has already been convicted of falsifying an email in order to renew a wiretap spying on Trump advisor Carter Page.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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