Biden Administration Firmly Rejects Republican Bill Against Migrant Housing on Federal Lands

( – Like most Republican legislators, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY) had had quite enough of what she says is a Democratic party-manufactured border crisis and its effects on her constituents. Unlike many of her colleagues, the New York legislator proposed House Resolution (HR) 5283, a bill to reign in the federal government by preventing the use of funds or resources like federal lands to house immigrants or asylum seekers. Yet, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), part of President Joe Biden’s executive branch, issued a policy statement strongly opposing the legislation on November 27.

Malliotakis first introduced her measure in late August, ahead of efforts in September by Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams to lease Floyd Bennett Field in South Brooklyn from the National Parks Service to use the facility as a shelter for up to 2000 of the more than 113,000 immigrants who’ve come to New York City (NYC) since 2022 seeking help. Before the lawmaker could advance her legislation, NYC completed the lease agreement.

However, Malliotakis has remained diligent in her efforts and garnered allies within the House to help her advance her bill through several committees on behalf of her New York constituents and Americans everywhere. As of November 28, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) of the House Rules Committee submitted HR 891, a resolution to debate Malliotakis’s proposed measure on the floor before voting. The New York legislator hopes her bill, which would reverse the NYC lease agreement and prevent anything else like it, will pass in the lower chamber and move to the Senate.

In a statement issued in October, Malliotakis discussed the injustice taxpayers suffered as the government charged them while depriving them of federal parks and facilities to use as “encampments for unvetted migrants from all over the world.” The lawmaker told Staten Island Live she anticipated her bill would send “a clear message” to Democratic leaders at every level that voters have had it with “their self-created migrant crisis” and “that they can and should end [it] today.”

The OMB statement cited concerns about restrictions on the Departments of the Interior’s and Agriculture’s abilities to decide appropriate land and resource uses, “even in emergency or other situations.” On Instagram, Malliotakis commented that White House opposition was a sure indication she’d written a worthy bill.

~Here’s to Our Liberty!

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